Close up of a person's hands paying with a credit card

Debit Card Fraud

For Your Protection

The Commercial Bank has partnered with PassPort Fraud Center to monitor debit card fraud. PassPort Fraud Center will alert you when it appears the card is being misused. PassPort Fraud Center will call each number the bank has on file at this time. When you answer, you will be asked to verify the transaction. If you are unavailable to take the call the card will automatically be warm carded. It is very important that we have a good cell phone number on file so that we are able to contact you, if you feel we do not have the correct number or are unsure please call the bank at 334-774-4931 or stop by one of our locations so that we can update your information.

Thank you for your business and we hope to better protect you with this new service.

Accounts for businesses of every size, large and small.